

Jwantrin chaway dunya hi mna,azany chon ? chun katek sairy to akam wenay Toy te akawe 
Jwantrin qsakany dunya mn ailem,azany chon ?  chun hamu qsakanm tanha basy Toya 
Jwantrin dlm haya ,azany chon ? chun aw dla xoshawistiy Toy la xo grtwa
Jwantrin dunyam haya,chun To xot hamu dunyay mny
Xoshm awey hata hataya 


Dastt Xosh Bet Baby gyan Barasty I Love it :D

Bargay duryt nagrm gyana,,Lawa zyatr Dlm shayday Dozax maka..! TOm ta raday xoshawisti xosh dawet,,
La duryt kawtom la kunjy jura tarikakam tanha yadgaryakant shk dabam bo xoshy dlm :
La jwany ewaranm da Mang sharm dakat bdrawshetawa barambar ruxsrat ,,.
Axr mn chy bkam durm let wak jaran natwanm wshakanm lagal panja naskakany bay shamaly ewaran ba ruxsarta ashna bkam ?
basa  am durya dlm bargay margy ashq nagre ..

I Love U BABy Shet...

Wara La Shaweky Tanya Mn U Tow Xamy Dunya Pekawa
Zhwanek Bgryn Gwe La Xamkany Yaktr Bgryn Machekysh Bkayn
Ba Yadgary Bo Rozhany Awin Dary Awsa Ba Har Brwa Taman
Ba Har Jeman Bhele Zaman Machek Tasay Dll Darbene
Hamo 3umry Dunya Dene <33

Ay Aw Kasay Buyta xulyam Ka To dury Mnish Tanyam..
Duryakasht Nagrma Dl, Bublbul Ka Ashq Bet Har Dagat Ba Dl :P

I Just Love You


to xot gawratrin surprise y zhiany mn buy hanasakam

خوشه ویستم ...
تامه زروی بینینتم
تامه زروی ئامیزی گه رمت که پره له سوز و عیشق
تامه زروی روانینی چاوی پر له سیحرت که هه زار ئاواتی ون بووی تی دایه
کزه ی جه رگم...
زور له میژه گولی  دلم هه لپروکاوه له ژانی دووریت
پاراو نابی مه گه به ئاوی زولالی عیشقت
کوته ی دلم و هیزی ئه ژنوم و سومای چاوم هه موی به بونه ی تویه گه زیزه که م
خوشه ویسته که م...
 سویندم خواردوه نیازم پاک بی
خوشه ویستی تو له دلم تاک بی
دلم له دوای تو ته نها بو خاک بی

÷یش کیش به تو که گولی و گولی سوورت پی جوانه سوره گوله که م


Bzana haaa atwanm hane Jarysh supriset Bkam:p

Pirozbaym pe nakre Gyana naxm darw xana.. Ay nabiny lam rozha da Ruxsarm zard halgarawa.. Ba naw shara chaw dagerm Shar shiriny le dabare.. Ballam shiriny dli mn Dar nakawe tanya jare.. Ba tama bum la valentinea Yakam chrka to bdwenm La jey guleky surw spy.. Dli xomt bo bhenm Wa nazany be hiwam gulm Wa shaydata dlay shetm.. Ba am valentinesh ba sar bche.. Da wallay sadan valentinetr chawaretm.. Xoshm awey..

Amro jazhny ashqana.. Jazhny diaryw taka guleky sura.. Ba mn chy henday asman hanasam la garum dura.. Amro la hamu jihanda Baby Gyan shaqam guly Sur darwene... Ballam ba mn chy ka to nit chapke gulm bo bheny.. Amro be to lam sharada Namotryn kasy sharm.. Na kas diarym bo ahenew Na kasysh de bo didarm.. Tosh duryw nayay dastm bgry baraw shady.. Chawarwanysh zryanekaw amba baraw namurady.. Ballam aziz mn har guli xoshawistyt bo anerm ba bloggera:p.. Ta bzany la duryta katzhmery pekawa zhyan azhmerm...

Amro jazhny ashqana mny dldar chawaretm.. Chand mangeka nambinywy zor tamazrow niga shetm.. Let piroz bet am jazhna pr novina xoshawistm, toy shawey bedarymw frishtakay xamw pastym.. xoshm awey
hi har chy kaSakam,dastt xosh bet baasty zor jwan bu,wistm hicht pe nalem u bayani bem hande shtt bo danem u SURPRISET BKAM U pirozbaiyt le bkam bas ka hatm ba rasty mn surprise bum,dastt xosh be har chy kasakam,am rozha la tosh piroz be,barasty pem naxosha ka lam rozha lalat nim u natwanm ba mach u bawaseki sft u gulek piroz baiyt le bkam ,ba daxawa jare nabet u abe har wa la durawa am rozhana la yak piroz bkain,hiwadarm saleki tr am katana la jyaty lla durawa piroz baiy krdn la durawa btwanm ba machek u bawashek u hadyayak piroz baiyt le bkam u am rozha pekawa bin,xoshm awey ay tanha asteray asmany zhianm


Happy Valentine's Dayyyyyy

You are my heart, my hope, my help,
The passion that is me,
The whole of which I am a part,
My peace, my ecstasy.
You are my future, present, past,
My ship, my sail, my ocean,
The wind that brings me home again,
The home for every motion.
You live within me, yet I am
Without you all alone.
With you I am full of light;
Without you I am stone.
Is this foolish? Yes, perhaps,
But also it is true.
I think of life as something I
Can spend with only you.
Ah, my love! Love longs for such
Sweet celebrants as this!
Love is a burden and a joy,
Slavery and bliss.
This day of love come love with me,
Come sing with me my song.
Come be my Valentine, and I
Will love you my life long, my love,
Will love you my life long.

Happy Valentine, my love!
All my love is yours.
Praised be love that brings us home,
Pilgrims to these shores.
Yearnings here find harborage;
Vanities, sly smiles.
All that righteous anger rends,
Love here reconciles.
Even in the darkness where
No bitterness finds rest,
Thoughts of you are like a dawn
Intent on happiness.
Nor would I have so light a heart
Except that I am blessed!

Wistm Pesht Bkawm..

Happy Valentine's Day Baby Gyan..

                    Be my Valentine, my love,
As I will be for you,
And we will love the whole day long,
And love our whole lives through.

For love has no parameters
And does not end with time,
But is the gift of paradise,
A pinch of the sublime.
So let us take this holiday
To resubmit our love
To those within that know no sin
And with the angels move.

                           To my Valentine, with all my love,
                                   Of whom I cannot say enough in praise:
                                                       May my love for you sufficient prove,
                           Yearning to redeem your caustic days.
                                                   Vortices within may drag you down.
                           Anchor, then, in my serenity.
                                       Love saves some who otherwise might drown,
                      Embarked alone upon their Galilee.
                                      Nor should you deem your own love not enough
              To be the chapel to which I retreat
                                        In search of a pavilion for my pain.
                    No love is love unless it be a seat
                                    Enchanted, where a stone might weep again.

                              Valentine's for lovers and for friends.
All my love goes out to you this day!
Love is something different from desire:
Even, silent, peaceful as the sky.
Nor is love interested in means or ends.
There are no selfish needs that it must weigh.
Instead, love's plenitude itself inspires,
Needing neither cause nor reason why.
Each day my thoughts enchanted with you lie.

            Will you be my Valentine?
                                      I know that I am yours.
You are like a tossing sea
And I am like your shores.
You are like an endless wave
And I your waiting sand.
And I will wait forever as
You come and smooth my hand.
I will wait forever, yet
You are a part of me.
I hold you in my arms, while you
Come to me endlessly.
Will you be my Valentine?
I know that I am yours.
I love you with a love that yearns
To be your golden shores.


Am shaw mny dl brindar eshkgry yadakanm.. Balnday xaw oqra nagre la hellanay chawakanm.. Niwa shawaw payta payta xam la dargay dl deta zhure Asman tama boya mangysh chawarwana bo toze nur.. Hamu shtek har xamosha am shaw waku xoshbatyman.. Sary kasm kawtota naw xayaleky quly be bn.. La bawashy yadakantm sadan xamm le allawa.. Gulm henda gryawm frmeskm daryayaky pek henawa.. Wa xarika daryay ashkm kashty ro7m ra amale.. Hanasakam magar Xwa bzane chand tamazrom bo hawale... xoshm awey ay hanasam


I know I hurt u and I feel so bad for saying thing and making u sad.. It's just that my love for u is si great I want to be with u, I just can't wait u are so special. One of a kind..I could look forever and never find anyone else as wonderful as u, with such a pretty smile and eyes so blue.. Please forgive me for things I said.. I love u so much,it just messed my head You are my life, my very breathe.. I promise to love u even efter death.. So if u can forgive this broken hearted lover You'll never see that part of me again.. I'll love u and take care of u for infinity we'll make it, together, just YOU & ME SunShiNe..!!

Sorry, I am sorry my love. I hurt u without any reason ur tears made my heart cry WHY I did to you that? I really don't know.. Forgive me! I am so sorry my true love.. I scold without any reason ur pain made my heart to think my cruel heart suspects u for nothing.. I swear, I did not mean to hurt u.. When u cry then I cry more than u because I love u with @ll my heart and soul.. I am so sorrrryyy my love. I told u that I would never hurt u again, but again I made ur tears flow once more.. Now, I promise u that I will not hurt u again..

I never to hurt u, the way I know I have,. Your love means more to me, than anything & I'll do whatever it takes, to prove that to u Since the day I met u and your love toched my heart. I knew that my life would never be same.. Please forgive me for the pain I've caused.. I'll make it up to u every chance I get.. You have my heart and my love forever.. ##***##***#####** I love u so very much even then I do things that hurt.. I try so hard to hope that u always see,how much u being in my life means to me.. I am sorry yet again for causing u pain that is the last thing I ever wanted to do.. Even when Iam trying to look out for u and do the right thing.. I mess upp, I am sorry for that too, I hope that u still know how much I have and cherish u.. Like nothing else in my life gives me the trill of being loved by u.. So I hope that u listen and see it in my eyes, this sincere apology that comes with tears from deep inside.. *****######**---@@@*#

Please ForGive My LoVe

I need to say Iam sorry, for causing u this pain. I put u in this position where there's nothing u can gain.. I'm sorry I got made, I'm sorry that I cry,but I hope that u can see because the truth is that I try.. I really have no reason to act the way I do, I guess it's just to hide the fact, that I'm truly feeling bluse.. And I just want u to know its u I can't live without and I hope that u believe me because that's true without a doubt.. Please for giveme for all that I've done wrong because I need u in my life to continue being strong So please just one more time help me put this in the past,because u are my true love..
