
All I Want Is You Honey :*


Never give up
on what you really want to do

The person with big dreams is more powerful than
one with @ll the facts.

 Us :D

You mean the world to me
Nothing will ever come between us
You will always be in my heart
Your spot will never be taken
by anyone else ever

I will love you forever
No matter how ..........

If I could close my eyes and make a wish
If the only thing worth asking for is just one kiss
Because I thought about it the since the day you walked in my life.
There's no way to deny how ..........

Your love for me is like a candle,
full of light and brightness.
Your love for me is like a flower,
with peddles of love.
Your love for me is like a clock,
time ticks by
but our ..........

ژانی تۆ
کەی دەڵێی خۆشم ئەوێی
هەموو تووڕەبوونێكی
.ژان لەمێشکم لادەبەیت
خۆر تینی نامێنێ و
كلۆ كلۆی به‌فر گه‌رمایی
ده‌به‌خشێ و
باكوور ده‌بێ به‌باشور و
خۆرهه‌ڵات دەبێ به‌ خۆرئاوا
مناڵیم به‌ تۆوه‌ رۆح ده‌گرێته‌وه‌
بوونم زیندوو ده‌بێته‌وه‌